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Today's Currency Exchange Rates in Pakistan – October 22, 2023

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Today's Currency Exchange Rates in Pakistan – October 22, 2023

In Pakistan, like many other countries, the currency exchange rate plays an important role in the domestic economy and international trade. These rates can have a profound effect on various aspects of the economy, from imports and exports to foreign investment and tourism. As of Sunday, 22 October 2023, let's take a closer look at the exchange rates of various foreign currencies in the open market of Pakistan.

Currency Buying Rate Selling Rate
US Dollar (USD) 280.8 283.5
Euro (EUR) 295.1 298
UK Pound Sterling (GBP) 342.6 346
U.A.E Dirham (AED) 77.5 78.5
Saudi Riyal (SAR) 74.5 75.3

Other Foreign Currencies

CurrencyBuying RateSelling Rate
Australian Dollar (AUD)174175
Bahrain Dinar (BHD)740748
Canadian Dollar (CAD)201203
Chinese Yuan (CNY)38.5636.98
Danish Krone (DKK)3536
Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)3637.28
Indian Rupee (INR)3.463.57
Japanese Yen (JPY)1.881.95
Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) 906 915
Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 59.62 60.22
New Zealand Dollar (NZD) 163.31 165.31
Norwegian Krone (NOK) 25 26
Omani Riyal (OMR) 727 726
Qatari Riyal (QAR) 76 77
Singapore Dollar (SGD) 198 200
Swedish Krona (SEK) 25 26
Swiss Franc (CHF) 309 312
Thai Baht (THB) 7.66 7.81

It is important to note that exchange rates may vary based on location and the exchange company or bank involved in the transaction. The rates mentioned here are as of October 22, 2023, and may fluctuate due to market forces and foreign exchange demands.

Currency exchange rates are affected by various factors, including a country's economic stability, political developments, global events and market sentiment. Investors, businesses and individuals closely monitor these rates to make informed decisions about international trade, travel and investment.

To stay up-to-date with the latest exchange rates, individuals and businesses should regularly consult their chosen exchange service providers, financial institutions, or reputable financial news sources.
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