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Google Doodle pays tribute to 'Uncle Sargam'

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Google Doodle pays tribute to 'Uncle Sargam'

Google Doodle celebrated the 78th birthday of Farooq Qaiser on November 1, a famous Pakistani puppeteer, artist, and writer who left an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of people in Pakistan. In this article, we will examine the life and achievements of Farooq Qaiser, focusing on his famous character 'Uncle Sargam' and how his work has influenced generations in Pakistan.

Farooq Qaiser's Journey to Puppets:

Hailing from Sialkot, Punjab, Farooq Qaisar began his journey in the world of puppetry while studying fine art at the National College of Arts, Lahore. His natural talent for creating engaging puppet shows led to the birth of the beloved children's television series "Aka Booker" in 1971.

Study Abroad Activities:

Driven by a deep passion for knowledge, Farooq Qaiser studied abroad, earning a bachelor's degree in graphic design from the University of Bucharest and a master's degree in mass communication from the University of Southern California. These international experiences broadened her creative horizons, contributing to the unique blend of artistry and storytelling that defines her work.

Famous 'Uncle Sargam' in "Kaliyan"

In 1976, Farooq Qaiser introduced his children's show "Kalian", which gained wide recognition when it aired on Pakistan Television (PTV). Through a brilliant blend of humor and sarcasm, "Kalian" taught valuable life lessons, with the character of 'Uncle Sargam' resonating with audiences of all ages. 'Uncle Sargam' became a household name, teaching important values and life lessons not only to children but also to adults.

Definitions and Recognition:

Farooq Qaiser has received numerous accolades for his outstanding contributions to Pakistan's television scene. In 1993, he was awarded the Presidential Pride of Performance Award. In recognition of the positive impact of his work on children, UNICEF recognized him with the title of "Master Puppeteer" in 1997. In 2010, he received the PTV Lifetime Achievement Award, a testament to his enduring legacy in the world of puppetry and children's entertainment.


Farooq Qaiser's Google Doodle pays tribute to him on his 78th birthday, honoring his enduring legacy and his profound impact on the lives of both children and adults in Pakistan. His innovative puppetry, comedy, and storytelling continues to inspire and entertain generations, making him a beloved figure in Pakistan's cultural and educational history. 'Uncle Sargam' and the characters from his shows remain a valuable part of Pakistani television, reminding us of the power of art and storytelling in shaping our lives.

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