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Pakistan Speeds Up Repatriation of Undocumented Afghan Nationals After Deadline Passes

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Pakistan Speeds Up Repatriation of Undocumented Afghan Nationals After Deadline Passes

Pakistan has taken a proactive step by opening additional border centers to expedite the repatriation of undocumented Afghan nationals. This move comes shortly after the expiration of a deadline for illegal Afghan residents to leave the country. In this article, we will explore Pakistan's efforts to manage the return of Afghan nationals, the challenges faced by those returning to Afghanistan, and the international response to this situation.

Expanding Border Facilities:

To facilitate the repatriation process, Pakistan has tripled the capacity of its main northwestern border crossing at Torkham. This expansion aims to accommodate the increasing number of Afghan nationals returning to their homeland. Abdul Nasir Khan, the deputy commissioner for Khyber district, mentioned that the enhanced facilities have resulted in shorter waiting times for returnees.

Challenges Faced by Returnees:

Despite the government's efforts to streamline the repatriation process, many Afghan nationals have experienced hardships during their journey back to Afghanistan. Some shared accounts of spending several days at the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, describing it as a difficult and uncertain ordeal. Mohammad Ismael Rafi, who had lived in Pakistan for 22 years, claimed that he and his family faced adversity during their repatriation journey. He also alleged that Pakistani officials demanded bribes for processing their return, a claim that authorities deny.

The Uncertain Future:

Afghan schoolboy Sarfraz, along with his father, expressed concerns about their return to Afghanistan. Having never visited their home country before, they are now compelled to leave Pakistan due to the deadline. They cited a lack of employment opportunities and their precarious financial situation as reasons for their reluctance to return.

Taliban's Response:

As Afghanistan deals with the sudden influx of returnees, the Taliban administration has set up temporary transit camps to provide food and medical assistance. However, reports from organizations such as the Norwegian Refugee Council, Danish Refugee Council, and International Rescue Committee indicate chaotic and desperate conditions among those returning to Afghanistan.

International Reaction:

Pakistan's decision to repatriate undocumented Afghan nationals has faced criticism from the United Nations, human rights groups, and Western embassies. They have urged Pakistan to reconsider its stance, while Afghanistan has denied accusations of harboring militants and called on Pakistan to reevaluate its approach.

Repatriation Statistics:

As of now, 19,744 Afghans have crossed the Torkham border on a single day, with a total of 147,949 returnees since the government announced the deadline. Additionally, over 35,000 undocumented Afghans have left through the southwestern Pakistani border crossing at Chaman.

Special Considerations:

Pakistani authorities have expressed willingness to delay repatriation for individuals with health or other issues that would prevent them from traveling. This includes a seven-month pregnant woman who was advised to remain in Pakistan to give birth before making the journey.


Pakistan's efforts to expedite the repatriation of undocumented Afghan nationals have raised various challenges and concerns. While authorities aim to manage the return process efficiently, the experiences of returnees and international reactions underscore the complexities of this situation. The influx of Afghan nationals back to their homeland remains a critical issue with implications for both Pakistan and Afghanistan.

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